Thursday, March 28, 2019

Most Important Computer Forensics Tools for Hackers and Security Professionals

Computer Forensics tools
Computer Forensics tools are more often used by security industries to test the vulnerabilities in network and applications by collecting the evidence to find an indicator of compromise and take an appropriate mitigation Steps.
Here you can find the Comprehensive Computer Forensics tools list that covers Performing Forensics analysis and respond to the incidents in all the Environment.
Collections of Computer Forensics Tools




  • dff – Forensic framework
  • IntelMQ – IntelMQ collects and processes security feeds
  • Laika BOSS – Laika is an object scanner and intrusion detection system
  • PowerForensics – PowerForensics is a framework for live disk forensic analysis
  • The Sleuth Kit – Tools for low level forensic analysis
  • turbinia – Turbinia is an open-source framework for deploying, managing, and running forensic workloads on cloud platforms

Live forensics

  • grr – GRR Rapid Response: remote live forensics for incident response
  • Linux Expl0rer – Easy-to-use live forensics toolbox for Linux endpoints written in Python & Flask
  • mig – Distributed & real time digital forensics at the speed of the cloud
  • osquery – SQL powered operating system analytics


  • dc3dd – Improved version of dd
  • dcfldd – Different improved version of dd (this version has some bugs!, another version is on github adulau/dcfldd)
  • FTK Imager – Free imageing tool for windows
  • Guymager – Open source version for disk imageing on linux systems


  • bstrings – Improved strings utility
  • bulk_extractor – Extracts informations like email adresses, creditscard numbers and histrograms of disk images
  • floss – Static analysis tool to automatically deobfuscate strings from malware binaries
  • photorec – File carving tool

Memory Forensics

  • – High speed memory analysis framework developed in .NET supports all Windows x64, includes code integrity and write support.
  • KeeFarce – Extract KeePass passwords from memory
  • Rekall – Memory Forensic Framework
  • volatility – The memory forensic framework
  • VolUtility – Web App for Volatility framework
  • BlackLight – Windows/MacOS Computer Forensics tools client supporting hiberfil, pagefile, raw memory analysis.
  • DAMM – Differential Analysis of Malware in Memory, built on Volatility.
  • evolve – Web interface for the Volatility Memory Forensics Framework.
  • FindAES – Find AES encryption keys in memory.
  • – High speed memory analysis framework developed in .NET supports all Windows x64, includes code integrity and write support.
  • Muninn – A script to automate portions of analysis using Volatility, and create a readable report.
  • Rekall – Memory analysis framework, forked from Volatility in 2013.
  • TotalRecall – Script based on Volatility for automating various malware analysis tasks.
  • VolDiff – Run Volatility on memory images before and after malware execution, and report changes.
  • Volatility – Advanced memory forensics framework.
  • VolUtility – Web Interface for Volatility Memory Analysis framework.
  • WDBGARK – WinDBG Anti-RootKit Extension.
  • WinDbg – Live memory inspection and kernel debugging for Windows systems.

Network Forensics

  • SiLK Tools – SiLK is a suite of network traffic collection and Computer Forensics tools analysis tools
  • Wireshark – The network traffic analysis tool
  • NetLytics – Analytics platform to process network data on Spark.

Windows Artifacts

OS X Forensics

Internet Artifacts

  • chrome-url-dumper – Dump all local stored infromation collected by Chrome
  • hindsight – Internet history forensics for Google Chrome/Chromium

Timeline Analysis

  • DFTimewolf – Framework for orchestrating Computer Forensics tools collection, processing and data export using GRR and Rekall
  • plaso – Extract timestamps from various files and aggregate them
  • timesketch – Collaborative forensic timeline analysis

Disk image handling

  • aff4 – AFF4 is an alternative, fast file format
  • imagemounter – Command line utility and Python package to ease the (un)mounting of forensic disk images
  • libewf – Libewf is a library and some tools to access the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF, E01)
  • xmount – Convert between different disk image formats


Learn forensics




more at Recommended Readings by Andrew Case

File System Corpora



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